Genius Hour – Research & Learn Organizer

Due date: Thursday, December 19, 2019


1) Find at least 3 sources that will help you work on your Genius Hour project. Your sources might be:

  • Videos
  • Interviews with experts
  • Books, magazines, articles
  • Websites


 For each source, write a short summary that tells about:

  1. the information you found;
  2. how it will help you work on your Genius Hour project.

Use or to cite all your sources.


Write your sources in the tables below:

Title:How does copper kill bacteria
Copper kills bacteria by rupturing the cell membrane wall, leading to the leakage of some essential cell nutrients like potassium and glutamate. 


Title: Antimicrobial surfaces
Summary: Copper, silver, and many more irons are antimicrobial.


2) Define any important key-words that are important to your research and topic.


Word Definition
Antimicrobial An antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth.
oligodynamic The oligodynamic effect was first recognised more than 150 years ago and refers to the fact that some metal ions kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. This effect can be observed at extremely low doses. Metals which exhibit the oligodynamic effect include mercury, silver, copper, brass, bronze, tin, iron, lead and bismuth.


3) Make a science connection to your project. Examples include:

  • Scientific concepts
  • Science vocabulary
  • Any experimentation skills
  • Scientific tools or equipment needed


Write your science connection here:

Chemistry and engineering. 


4) Decide: how will you share this information out? For example, you could share it through:

  • A blog post
  • Social media (e.g., Twitter, Instagram)
  • A podcast
  • A Youtube video


I will share what I’ve learned by:



Genius Hour Research

One thought on “Genius Hour Research

  • February 25, 2020 at 7:44 am

    Great post Leo!

    A couple of questions…

    …I could guess, but could you tell me (us) what exactly you are working on? Are you developing a new, better, antimicrobial…substance? Soap? Cleaner? Will it be copper based? Or are you developing your own “secret sauce” of copper, silver and other irons?

    Looking forward to seeing the finished project!


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