In Social Studies we did a test to see what our personal overshoot day and ecological footprint was. After doing this, we answered 6 questions about it. Here are the said questions.

  1. Are you surprised by your results? Why or why not? I am kinda surprised that it would take 4.6 earths for everybody to live like me.
  2. Were you surprised to learn that Canada has one of the largest footprints on Earth? I wasn’t to surprised considering Canada is absolutely humongous 
  3. Discuss at least three different ways to help reduce your footprint (as a family). Turning off the lights after we walk out of a room(I’m looking at you Simon), having shorter showers to prevent wasting water(still looking at you Simon), and driving less. We don’t need to drive to somewhere that’s a 10 minute walk.
  4. In what ways can we increase public awareness of our ecological footprints? Social media could really help. For example, making a TikTok which I’m not going to do because I limit my TikTok page to jokes, and the one news video I made yesterday about TVT(thatveganteacher) getting banned.
  5. Why do you think people ignore issues of sustainability? Even if a person knows they should help, what prevents us from doing it? I think it’s mostly laziness. For example, let’s take a look at Bob here: Hey, I have 97 cans that I COULD recycle, but I don’t feel like walking the 6 steps to the recycling so I’m just gonna put them in the trash where my 97 cans will most likely end up in the ocean and contributing to the world crisis that is the trash in our ocean causing thousand of fish to die due to consumption of materials that aren’t made for any living creature to eat.
  6. What are some effective ways to reduce material consumption in everyday life while maintaining livability? As I said in question 3, humans as a whole can grow up and not drive to the store thats a 2 minute walk and number one, putting more greenhouse gasses in the air contributing to global warming which will inevitably kill all of us and all wildlife on earth, and also wasting gas that is not a renewable resource(oil doesn’t refill itself over time like trees do).
Ecological Footprint Reflection

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