If you are a gamer or just like to browse the internet for new, trendy things then you have most likely heard of Fortnite. You might love it, or you might hate it, but it’s going to be on the top 25 of the trending page of the app store for a very long time. Most people know what fortnite is, but if you don’t then I will tell you. Today I will be teaching you what fortnite is, how they make money is, and why it is so addictive.


On July 21, 2017, Epic Games decided to release a free game named Fortnite Battle Royale. It almost automatically blew up even though it had only been a couple days before the launch. The way that you play is that you would land at a spot, scavenge for loot and guns that you can find lying on the floor or in chests, and then fight it out with the other 99 people in the match. The time when fortnite made itself extremely popular was when season 1 came out. Seasons are like in real life seasons. They last for three months and the whole time you gain experience to level up, you could do challenges like land at a certain spot or kill opponents with a certain weapon. Every 10 battle stars you get 1 tier. every new tier you get a new item. Items you could get were pickaxes, gliders, character skins, exp boosts, etc. But you do not gain any competitive advantage from these items as they are just cosmetics. Because fortnite would be boring if there were two people in the giant map, the created the storm. The storm is a barrier that restricts the play area. There are ten storm circles that get smaller as the match goes on. Every time that the storm shrinks, it will intensify. the first storm will take 1 damage per second of your 100 health, the second one will do 2 damage per second, and so on. There are three main modes in the game. the first is solos where you drop in by yourself, there are duos where you drop in with one other person, and there are squads where you drop with 4 people. You can also have 4 friends in your lobby and play together. The most important game mechanic is building though. You can use your pickaxe to break stuff for wood, brick, or metal and build in any one of them. It’s kind of like Minecraft, but with people trying to hunt you down and shotgun you straight to the face. But most people don’t build bases and instead build for the higher angle which we call build fighting.


Because fortnite is a free game, they can’t make money. But the thing is that fortnite by itself 2.4 billion dollars in two years. the way they did this is with vbux. Vbux is the fortnite digital currency. to get 1000 vbux it cost $10 dollars. To get 2,800 vbux it cost $25 dollars USD, to get 7,500 vbux it cost $60 dollars USD, and to get 13,000 vbux it will cost you a whole $100 dollars USD to get. The reason that people buy vbux is for awesome cosmetics. You can also buy the battle pass where you get way more cosmetics then if you have the free battle pass. You can also spend your vbux in the item shop. Every day at 8 PM eastern, 2 new, old, etc skins will come in the item shop. You can also buy dances that you like so that when you win when you want to, or in the lobby with friends, can do the as the call them in the game, emotes. you can also get not detailed, cheap skins for only 800 vbux.


The reason that fortnite is so addictive is that when you die, you want to try again, and again, and again, until you finally get that triumphant win that you worked so hard for. Then you try and win again, and you lose and you try again, again, again, and again till you win and the loop starts again. also, it is so fun because of the rng. Rng stands for random number generator but instead of numbers, it’s your guns and loot. the very chest you can get a golden shotgun, or you can get a grey pistol. There are five different colors of weapons. Some were better and rarer, or some being horrible and common. The five colors are grey which means common, green which means uncommon, blue which means rare, purple which means epic, and the best golden which means legendary.


I hope I have explained to all of the confused parents of addicted kids like mine, or just normal people looking for good games to play. There is also a co-op campaign named Save The World where there are zombies all over trying to break your base. You can also get the 5 rarity’s in save the world, but you have to craft them with the materials that you can get from the crafting menu. Please leave a comment or feedback for next time.

Why Is Fortnite So Addictive?

2 thoughts on “Why Is Fortnite So Addictive?

  • June 19, 2019 at 3:31 pm

    I love fortnite I threw up the day season 9 came out

    • June 20, 2019 at 9:10 am

      That was way to much information


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